Make the right "Hire"
The deadline passed Monday of this week for you to register to vote in this May’s primary election. Hopefully you are signed up and are...
We Receive the Air Service We Support
It’s really pretty simple, businesses tend to go where they think the customers are. The airlines are no different, and a community...
Legislature Kicks Off 2018 Session
Today, the Indiana General Assembly will kick-off it’s 2018 Legislative Session. This year is a short session, with a scheduled end in...
Something Must Give
The Indiana General Assembly reacted to protests from voters over rising property tax bills and in 2008 placed property tax caps into...
Think Big on Rail Opportunity
The regions we are competing with are thinking big. They are making key decisions to position themselves to beat us. They want to attract...
Tax Reform Tops DC Agenda
Last week I had an opportunity to visit Capitol Hill for an inside look at what’s happening in Washington, DC. I try to go out at least...
A View from Inside the Eye
It’s only been a few days since Hurricane Irma passed through Florida and residents and businesses are only beginning the process of...
Time to Finish What We Started
If you were one of the forty-four million people traveling over the 4th of July Holiday, you might have noticed a slight increase in your...
90 Minutes by 2020
Chicago is the third biggest city in the United States and more than ten million people live in the Chicagoland metropolitan area....
The Road Ahead
A budget surplus. A balanced budget. A AAA bond rating. One of the top five states in the country for doing business. More people working...